Cancer, stroke
and coronary heart disease are the main causes of premature death
Around 35% of
boys and 30% of girls aged 2-15 years can be classified as overweight
or obese
30.4% of women
are overweight, 25.6% are obese and 4.8% are morbidly obese
43.2% of men
are overweight, 20.1% are obese and 1% are morbidly obese
76% of women
and 60% of men are not active enough for health
16% of the
population is over 65 years of age
Young people
are consuming alcohol at a younger age
We continue to
experience unacceptable drink driving rates
27% of
pregnant women smoke
32% of the
working population take part in the Healthy Working Lives Scheme
There were 600
homeless applications in 2006
We have 70-80
Looked After Children
People with a
learning disability are four times more likely to die of a long term
preventable illness
1 in 5 adults
have a disability or long term illness (only 5% of disabled people are
in a wheelchair)