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Last page edit:
11/11/2013 12:12

Community Safety and Crime

You Said
Rubbish, litter and dogs fouling were the most common problems on a daily basis (46%) and under age drinking were the most common problem on a weekly basis (25%).

Our Reply
Posters, leaflets and the media will be used to launch further anti-dog fouling campaigns.  Community Wardens are authorised to issue fixed penalties.  Community Wardens are authorised to issue fixed penalties.  Operations to tackle under age drinking and street disorder will take place throughout the year.

Victims of crime

You Said
Where respondents have been victims of crime, 35% of you stated that this was graffiti/vandalism and 27% cited car crime.

Our Reply
Graffiti will be removed free of charge from all identified areas.  Car crime can usually be attributed to a handful of high tariff offenders who are treated as high priority offenders and are dealt with as quickly as possible.

Sale of under aged products

You Said
Most of you thought that the sale of products to under aged buyers was a minor problem.  However, 64% cited sale of alcohol to under 18's as being a major problem.

Our Reply
The real problem is the purchasing of alcohol by older people on behalf of young people.  All offenders detected will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal.  Grampian Police will be undertaking test purchases of alcohol to young people in licensed premises.

Reporting Crime

You Said
You were most likely to contact the Police (86%) to report a crime or community safety issue.  1 in 3 of you reporting a crime contacted The Moray Council.

Our Reply
The online antisocial behaviour reporting form, available at
(external link), complements the current ASB helpline number (0800 5877197).  The Grampian Police service centre can also be contacted on 0845 600 5 700 for all non-urgent incidents.  For emergencies, or if a crime is ongoing, you should still call 999.

Views on Community Safety

You Said
42% of you thought that levels of crime had remained about the same in your local area.

Our Reply
Data collected and analysed by the Community Safety Partnership shows downward trends in all areas that we monitor.  Data is available on the Yourmoray website.

Concerns about crime and safety

You Said
You were more concerned about family or friends becoming victims of crime than yourselves.

Our Reply
Community Warden shift patterns will be altered to meet local needs.  The Wardens can provide support services to anyone who has concerns about crime.

Community Wardens

You Said
Most of you had heard of Community Wardens (64%), however only around 1 in 3 of you have actually seen the Wardens.

Our Reply
A leaflet explaining the Community Warden scheme and how to contact them can be requested by calling 01343 563623.

Community Safety Initiatives

You Said
Priorities included more police on foot at night; more facilities for young people; more police in patrolling cars at night and the increased use of CCTV.

Our Reply
Grampian Police operate an intelligence-based tasking and coordinating process, meaning that resources are used when and where they are required.  We will continue to involve young people in the Street Football project and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.  We will increase the number of Community Wardens and conduct more foot patrols.  Our new covert camera system will play an important part in tackling antisocial behaviour.

Police Performance

You Said
Making Police performance information available to the public was important, especially in relation to local police initiatives; drug crimes; crimes of violence and road safety; domestic housebreaking and crimes of vandalism.

Our Reply
Quarterly performance data is on the Community Planning Website, as well as on the Grampian Police Website.  Grampian Police regularly places articles about local initiatives in the local press, on local radio and via leaflet drops.

Fire Safety

You Said
In terms of fire safety precautions and changes, the installation of smoke alarms (59%) and turning off appliances at night (49%) were most commonly used.

Our Reply
Grampian Fire and Rescue Service provide advice on reducing the frequency and consequences of accidental dwelling house fires.  A free home fire safety visit can be requested via
(external link) or by calling 01343 549060 or texting FIRE61611.

Consumer Safety

You Said
More than 4 in 5 of you would be in favour of action to discourage doorstep sales.

Our Reply
A pilot scheme of 10 no cold calling zones has been successfully introduced to reduce the amount of unwanted visits within Moray with more zones to be introduced soon.

Equality in Moray

You Said
Most of you (89%) had not been victims of discrimination.  Those who had cited verbal abuse (69%), graffiti (23%) and vandalism (23%).

Our Reply
Discrimination can be reported via the ASB helpline on 0800 58 77 197.

Safe Driving

You Said
81% of you saw road safety for young people as drivers as a particular problem in Moray, particularly in Keith.  Driver safety education (83%) and advanced driver training (78%) were considered the most effective approaches to road safety issues.

Our Reply
All pupils in Moray have road safety training as a feature of their curriculum.  In addition, secondary school pupils are given the opportunity to attend the annual "Safe Drive Stay Alive" experience at the Aberdeen Exhibition Centre which shows in a no holds barred way the impact of reckless driving behaviour by young people.


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